December 5, 2023: Conversation with Estelle-Sarah Bulle and Sylvain Duffard

The Kwazman Vwa team will be welcoming novelist Estelle-Sarah Bulle and photographer Sylvain Duffard to discuss their haunting collaboration in Guadeloupe, paysages intranquilles (Éditions Long Cours, 2022). Duffard’s photographs, accompanied by Bulle’s prose, offer a meditation on postcolonial time and duration, as perceived in the carefully documented conversation between landscapes and humans. In these images, Bulle writes, “human beings are furtive silhouettes who keep their mystery, buried in the depths of time. The landscape is the subject. It invades everything. The eye wanders through it as in a book. Nature is there, open. But it is a nature definitely marked by human presence. Few animals. Roofs, parking lots, roads, electrical wires. Simple and concrete signs of our influence; a hold that persists even when no one is on the horizon.” Charly, Jennifer and Corine will lead the discussion, which will be held in French via Zoom. Register via the form below.

Portrait of Estelle-Sarah Bulle, with leaves in the foreground.

Estelle-Sarah Bulle is a novelist with rhizomatic roots in Guadeloupe, France and Belgium. Her first novel, Là où les chiens aboient par la queue (2018), was greeted with much acclaim, and was awarded the Prix Stanislas du Premier Roman and the Prix Eugene Dabit du Roman Populiste. It has already been translated in English and Spanish. Since then, she has published a youth literature novel titled Les fantômes d’Issa, and Les étoiles les plus filantes, an ambitious historical fiction that stretches from Rio de Janeiro to Cannes.

Sylvain Duffard is an independent photographer who resides in France. Originally formed in Geographic studies, his work gravitated organically toward photography, which became for him both a means of documentation and of artistic expression. He has conducted chronophotographic work in the Alpilles, Haute-Savoie, and Guadeloupe.

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